Empowering spiritual growth through prayer, study and action

About Cursillo

Cursillo is ‘a movement of the Church providing a method by which Christians are empowered to grow through prayer, study and action and enabled to share God’s love with everyone.’

Future events

Find out about upcoming Cursillo weekends and Ultreyas in the York Diocese.

York Cursillo weekends

York 33
Friday 25th October 2024
Sunday, 27th October 2024
Wydale Hall, Brompton-by-Sawdon

York Diocesan Ultreyas

Saturday, 21st September 2024
St Mark's, Newby

Saturday, 16th November 2024
St Andrews, Sutton Park

Other York Cursillo events

Advent Quiet Morning and Christmas Lunch at Wydale
Friday, 6th December 2024
Wydale Hall, Brompton-by-Sawdon

Cursillo National Ultreya


Saturday, 7th September 2024
Sheffield Cathedral

Cursillo weekends

Cursillo weekends normally run from Thursday evening to Sunday afternoon. They are led by a team of lay people and clergy who have experienced a Cursillo weekend themselves.